Monday, 29 September 2008

Cleanup before Yixing trip

I started off the day by bombing a language quiz.  I am a little ashamed of myself I guess.  I was so focused on firing yesterday that I did not study a lick.  I guess it did not bather me that bad since I am here to focus on making pots, but I do need to buckle down .  The biggest help would be to go out and practice on the locals which I have ventured into.  It is not necessary for me and I am going to have to make myself do it.  I am sure it will work out just fine.
Today was just a cleanup day for me.  My area has gotten pretty nasty, my parents and professor Doug Knotts will tell you that I am a messy worker.  I am going to try and develop good studio habits while I am here though.  It took me a few hours to get it really clean so I can start fresh upon return from the four day trip to Yixing.  I took two naps today which was nice, and in between we took a trip into a more primitive part of town where they make beautiful tiles, and a vase shop that was unbelievable.  This will be my last post for four days since I am going on a trip without the ole computer.  So I hope I have left you with some super sweet pictures.  I will return with some sweet stuff I am sure.     

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