Wednesday, 17 September 2008


Got in the shop at 630 and worked until breakfast.  I am really starting to get tired of the really spicy food so this morning I ate bananas and some dough stuff.  Really great fruit here btw.  Then after breakfast was the first language class and it sure was a ton of info.  The four tones and learning to count to ten plus a few other vowels and such.  It made me a bit tired afterwards, but there was no time for a nap because immediately following was the master trimmer.  He only trims what the master thrower makes.  Personally I think that would get a bit boring.  He trims it all bone dry and flings dust everywhere.  Real cool to watch.  I could use the trimming lesson because I sure am doing a lot of it here.  Then I went to work finishing up the things I started and mixing some new slips.  We got some new flashing slip I have yet to put on anything yet but I will soon.  I also did a teapot today which was my first porcelain one ever.  I will post pics of it when it is through.  We also got a new rabbit today which evidently is a pet.  I find that a bit strange because I figured we would put momma in there for some meat.  Oh well.  I have gotten to where I ask Jeff for help a lot and I am learning tons from him.  I keep asking and he always has an answer.  Really knowledgeable guy in almost all areas of pottery.  After supper I made some more pots and hung around with the group.  Sometimes I think I need to go adventuring……I am sure the time will come when I can spare the studio time.   

1 comment:

June said...

I love the slipware piece. Next time say "Gone to Carolina in my mind."