Saturday, 13 September 2008

This is the Master turning some off of the hump.  He looked at one shape that Dave (a teacher from America, New York State) made that was like a tea bowl mug shape.  Then he made about 40 just like it.  I timed him.  It took him about 20 seconds per bowl, sometimes less.  Ten minuted for one large hump worth.  This guy is sooooooo good!!! 


Ron said...

Hey! Good to see you are there and doing well. Enjoying your posts. later, Ron

doug Fitch said...

Hi Brad
Keeping an eye on you from over here in England - looks like You're having a great time

KatieL said...

He really was sooo good! im glad to see your havin so much fun! And maybe one day you'll be as good as him! haha!