Wednesday, 19 November 2008

Outdoor exploring town.

This was a great snack along the shopping day out yesterday.  The day was beautiful, and great for the outdoor strolling and exploring.
Among the explorations was one of the many 6 story department stores.  They are not afraid to display mahicans with no pants.  This seemed a little strange to me.  Joan decided to pose for this one.  Interpret however you like.  
These are the ladies I picked up on our trip downtown.  Man I look bad in this picture because I just took my cap off, but I guess it is a good sign if the ladies don't flee from me.  These girls were lots of help translating and what not.
A street shot of where we were.

One of the many traditional buildings.

1 comment:

June said...

The first pic is adoreable!!! Very ingenious.

I love the pocketbook of the girl standing beside you!!
