Sunday, 30 November 2008

Walk near school

My dad requested I take a video of what it is like walking down the sidewalk here.  This is not some of the craziest sidewalk things I have seen here, but it gives you an idea.  I have seen quite a few accidents, people walking buffalos down the street, women holding their babies over trash cans to poop.  You name it and I may have seen it here.  I only wish I could capture all of the smells.  Their is so much to hit the nostrils here it is overwhelming.  Enjoy the video!


June said...

Very interesting. Take more videoes. I noticed no traffic pattern - be careful. The children are so cute.

We had Hanging of the Green tonight. Santa came afterwards. Ho Ho Ho! I love you. Mom:)

Beth C. said...

It's crazy how many people there are EVERYWHERE! and they're all doing their own thing. It just seems likes chaos.

We miss you Brad and can't wait for you to come home.
